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An industrial designer advocating for co-design and iterative prototyping to improve healthcare outcomes


3+ years of experience leading design of MedTech products


Currently pursuing Master's in Design Engineering at Harvard University and cross-registered at MIT Media Lab.


How might we empower menstruating individuals who are Blind to identify their onset of periods?​

Co-design  |  Accessibility  |  Material exploration
Academic | Team Lead
4 months
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How might we reduce the risk of acquiring infections for our frontline healthcare workers?​


Professional | Co-Founder
2 years
Customer research  |  Product design and development |  Strategic design  |   Business
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How might we design a minimally-invasive product to aid surgeons in accurately identifying and transecting nerves?

Academic | Industrial Design
8 months
User research  |  Product design  |  Biomedical

How might we motivate patients to stay compliant with post-operative breathing exercises?

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Mechanical design | Inflatable Origami  | Medical device
Academic | Product Design
2 months, Solo Project

How might we rethink board games to suit zero-gravity space flights?

Academic | Product Design
Solo Project
Industrial Design | Electronics | Zero-gravity | Space
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How might we reduce anxiety for pregnant women in rural areas?​


User research | Product Design | Electronics | Paper Publication
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Academic | Product designer 
Team of 2

How might we nudge children to take precautions against air pollution?​


Academic | Product designer 
Solo project
Bachelor of product design thesis  |  User Research | Product design 
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How might we empower children with low-vision or blindness to play informal sports independently?

Academic | Product Design
Team of 3
User Research | Industrial Design | Electronics | Design for accessibility

Exploring Influences on Native American Quilting Aesthetics

Academic  |  Data visualization
Team of 3

Digital Humanities | Data visualization | Interaction design

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